Sorties scolaires
The Festival of Knowledge, Arts and Literature
The Festival of Knowledge, Arts and Literature, Eshraqat, under the slogan “Tolerance is Knowledge” organized by the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, celebrates its 2nd edition in cooperation with the ministry of Education.
On Wednesday November 9, students of Seconde attended a number of events and talks lead by international speakers and specialists.
Some of the events they attended were:
- How to Start your Own YouTube Chanel, a Toaster production, an Emirati-owned & managed company with a well-experienced Arabic team, who brought ideas to life from concept development to perfect execution. Students took part in the discussion, sharing their own experience of having a YouTube Channel.
- A conversation that could change the way you see yourself and the world around you, presented by Jason R. Sullivan, an American Mental Health Therapist and author of many books; he discussed some treatments and practical steps on how to deal with anxiety issues in a completely different light, linking it to a student-based experience.
Interactively Bilingual presented by Prof. Fabrice Jaumont, a French born author and educator, who focused on the importance of learning languages, and discussed with students their vision for the future of educational systems. Through his interactive session, Prof. Fabrice focused on the importance of cultural diversity in achieving equality and integration between societies.

The Festival of Knowledge, Arts and Literature
Thursday, November 10. All the 5e classes had the opportunity to visit Qasr Al Hosn and participate in cultural workshops under Eshrakat events, related to the theme of Tolerance and Coexistence.
The trip started with a Qasr’s guided tour to discover the different pavilions representing the cultural heritage of Abu Dhabi. Then, a visit to Handcrafts exhibition where our students could meet artisans, who explained to them their crafts and products.
The students attended different workshops like reading, Japanese culture, drawing manga and mindfulness. It was an opportunity for our students to get interactive moments with the guides and animators and gain knowledge about different Cultures.

Le Louvre Abu Dhabi
Sortie scolaire des 3ème au Louvre d’Abu Dhabi dans le cadre de leur EPI “Art et Voyage”. Les élèves ont pu admirer les oeuvres d’art du musée, accompagnés d’une guide. Cette viste était l’occasion de voir en vrai l’un des chefs-d’oeuvre de Léonard de Vinci le « Saint-Jean Baptiste » prêté par le Musée du Louvre de Paris. Il sera exposé pendant les deux prochaines années.

Saint Jean Baptiste
1508 / 1519 (1e quart du XVIe siècle)
Abu Dhabi Art Fair
Les élèves de CM1 sont allées au Abu Dhabi Art Fair, une foire annuelle de l’art à Manarat Al Saadiyat. Cet événement a lieu tous les ans au mois de novembre et rassemble les oeuvres de galleries locales et internationales, dont certains oeuvres sont à vendre, d’autres exposés. Cette foire clôture le programme d’arts visuels de l’année mené par Abu Dhabi Art.
La foire est ouverte jusqu’au 20 novembre de 14h à 21h. L’entrée est gratuite.
Il suffit de s’enregistrer sur le lien suivant : https://tickets.abudhabiart.ae/buy-tickets.html

Classe de CM1 B

Classe de CM1 C
Les photos seront disponibles bientôt
Classe de CM1 D

Classe de CM1 E